There is an overabundance of information to be found online on how to manage your money. Much of it is great, but some of it is absolutely incorrect and nothing more than myth. Following these financial myths may seem harmless, but it can be damaging to your budget in many cases. Here are ten … [Read more...] about Avoid Financial Disaster: 10 Financial Myths That Keep You From Your Dreams
One Season Too Many: 13 Popular TV Shows You Wish Ended Sooner
We all have a favorite TV show or two. We want them to stick around forever, with hopes it'll always have that magic. Then, it becomes clear that it's time to consider ending it but the show sticks around one more season. Sadly, that can cause a series to lose some of its luster. In a recent … [Read more...] about One Season Too Many: 13 Popular TV Shows You Wish Ended Sooner
Penny-Pinching Power: 13 Debt-Busting Cheapskate Habits You Can’t Afford to Miss
Being a cheapskate isn't something that's considered good in our society. Stereotypes abound, with the image of many re-using dental floss, or something else extreme. While some of the stereotypes may be true, many are not. In fact, some habits can be really useful to use - especially if you're deep … [Read more...] about Penny-Pinching Power: 13 Debt-Busting Cheapskate Habits You Can’t Afford to Miss
10 Things That Quietly Disappeared From Our Lives Without Anyone Noticing
What prevalent item from the past do you miss most? I miss the freedom of attaching a separate GPS to a car rather than setting up my phone with directions, and I pine for public phone booths. Here are ten things stuck in the past that internet users reflect on and wish they wouldn't have … [Read more...] about 10 Things That Quietly Disappeared From Our Lives Without Anyone Noticing
10 Things That Vanished From American Culture We Wish Would Make a Comeback
An internet user inquires, "What was something that was once very relevant in American culture but has been forgotten now? Could it be a piece of media (music, movies, shows), a moment in time, a type of food, literally anything that was once popular but is not anymore? My friend just mentioned to … [Read more...] about 10 Things That Vanished From American Culture We Wish Would Make a Comeback
Financial Fumbles: 11 Wealth-Building Mistakes You Must Avoid
No one is perfect. We all make mistakes and we aim to minimize them so they don't stand in the way of our goals. However, sometimes even the best of us can't get out of our own way. This is especially true when trying to grow our wealth. Here are 11 mistakes we must avoid when trying to increase our … [Read more...] about Financial Fumbles: 11 Wealth-Building Mistakes You Must Avoid
Celebrity Head-Scratchers: 10 Celebrities That Have No Business Being Famous
Our culture is obsessed with celebrities of all kinds, what they are wearing, who they are dating, and even what they think. There are some people though who you just have to wonder why are they even famous in the first place? In a recent online forum, people discussed stars that have no reason for … [Read more...] about Celebrity Head-Scratchers: 10 Celebrities That Have No Business Being Famous
The Silent Privilege: 12 Reasons Millennials Have It Easier Today
Generations love to claim they have it worse than those before them. It's human nature, even if it's not always correct. Millennials, stereotypically, love to say the have it worse than boomers or Gen X. That's not always true. These are 12 instances where millennials have it far easier … [Read more...] about The Silent Privilege: 12 Reasons Millennials Have It Easier Today
Peel Back the Illusion: 11 Things That Appear Normal But Conceal Dystopia
There are many things in today's society that are just accepted as normal for no other reason than how prevalent they are when, in fact, they reveal possible dystopia. In a recent discussion online, people brought up things that are "ordinary." But are they really? Here are 11 instances they … [Read more...] about Peel Back the Illusion: 11 Things That Appear Normal But Conceal Dystopia
Shop Smart, Not Hard: 11 Best Black Friday Apps to Use to Find the Best Deals
Black Friday is the biggest day for in-store shopping in the United States. While there are typically plenty of deals to go around, don't overlook other ways to save. Look no further than your phone to locate other deals, both in-store and online. Here are 11 top Black Friday apps to use to … [Read more...] about Shop Smart, Not Hard: 11 Best Black Friday Apps to Use to Find the Best Deals
Shopper’s Regret: 12 Spending Hazards to Always Avoid at the Grocery Store
With food prices skyrocketing over the past several years it has become ever more important to watch what you buy at the grocery store. Reports show that pricing has leveled out, but it's still a painful experience for many homes. Add to that, stores love to use tricks to get us to spend more, but … [Read more...] about Shopper’s Regret: 12 Spending Hazards to Always Avoid at the Grocery Store
Avoid Regrets: 10 Pieces of Advice You Wish You Could Go Back And Give Yourself in Your 30s
Most people believe they're indestructible when they're young. Years pass by and we learn that we are indeed mortal, and we wish we could go back and share wisdom with our younger selves. In a recent online conversation, people shared things they wished they could share with themselves when they … [Read more...] about Avoid Regrets: 10 Pieces of Advice You Wish You Could Go Back And Give Yourself in Your 30s
The Art of Alienation: 10 Rude Phrases to Avoid Using If You Want People to Like You
We all say the wrong thing from time to time. Sometimes it may be an innocent mistake, where other times it's plain ignorance. Worse yet, some phrases truly make us out to be jerks. We obviously want to avoid using those sayings, if possible. In an online forum, commenters shared thoughtless phrases … [Read more...] about The Art of Alienation: 10 Rude Phrases to Avoid Using If You Want People to Like You
The Silent Struggle: 12 Shocking Signs You’re Broke and Need Assistance
We all face times where cash is short, but being near broke isn't fun. It's one thing if it's a one-time thing. However, when you regularly face financial struggles it gets much worse. In an online forum people shared signs that you may be broke and need help. Here are 12 of their top … [Read more...] about The Silent Struggle: 12 Shocking Signs You’re Broke and Need Assistance
Why You’re Not a Millionaire: 10 Things Rich People Do Differently Than Everyone Else
Being a millionaire brings with it a sense of achievement. Relatively, it shows you have means but it also shows that you're committed to achieving milestones. In a recent online conversation, people discussed things wealthy people do differently than the rest of us. Here are ten of their top … [Read more...] about Why You’re Not a Millionaire: 10 Things Rich People Do Differently Than Everyone Else
Caught in the Act: 11 Thoughtless Things We Secretly Judge Others For
No one is without blame. We all make mistakes that communicate we don't know what we're doing or lack empathy. And, like it or not, others will judge us for our missteps. In an online forum, commenters discussed things they immediately judge people for. These are 11 of their most common … [Read more...] about Caught in the Act: 11 Thoughtless Things We Secretly Judge Others For
The Fall from Grace: 10 Celebrities Who Crashed and Burned in the Last 5 Years
Whether they like it or not, celebrities from all walks of life are under the spotlight. The good things show, but the negatives shine brighter. This ranges from Hollywood celebs to politicians. In a recent online conversation, people discussed celebrities who have had the worst downfalls over … [Read more...] about The Fall from Grace: 10 Celebrities Who Crashed and Burned in the Last 5 Years
Unexpected Allies: 12 Things That Bring Boomers and Millennials Together
Generations often clash on views. That's especially the case when comparing boomers and millennials. They often disagree, with each blaming for the for many of their ills. However, in some case they find areas where they adamantly agree with each other. In a recent online conversation, boomers and … [Read more...] about Unexpected Allies: 12 Things That Bring Boomers and Millennials Together
Questioning Faith: 11 Honest Reasons Why People Are Leaving Religion in Droves
Despite our origins, Americans are leaving religion in record numbers. Reports show that those who refer to themselves as "none" when being asked about what religion they are sits at roughly 30 percent. Furthermore, increased numbers are switching religions. In a recent online conversation, … [Read more...] about Questioning Faith: 11 Honest Reasons Why People Are Leaving Religion in Droves
From Icons to Iffy: The Top 10 Bands Nobody Agrees On
To some extent, we're all music lovers. We all have bands, or singers we enjoy following and will consume all of their music. As makes sense, not all popular bands are beloved by everyone. In fact, they can be divisive. In an online forum, music lovers commented on bands and singers they really … [Read more...] about From Icons to Iffy: The Top 10 Bands Nobody Agrees On
Thrifty, Not Stingy: 12 Easy Ways to Save That Don’t Require You to Be a Cheapskate
A lot of people believe that you need to be a cheapskate to save money. They envision being frugal as reusing dental floss or some other outlandish practice. That's simply not the case. Here are 12 simple ways to rack up the savings without living like a cheapskate. Shop Second Hand Shopping … [Read more...] about Thrifty, Not Stingy: 12 Easy Ways to Save That Don’t Require You to Be a Cheapskate
Broke No More: 13 Weekend Side Hustles That Can Help You Earn More Cash
One of the common reasons people give for being short on cash is they feel they don't have time to pursue side hustle ideas is they don't have time. If that's you, and you only have a 9-5 day job, there's plenty of time on the weekends you could use to earn cash. Best of all, it shouldn't impact … [Read more...] about Broke No More: 13 Weekend Side Hustles That Can Help You Earn More Cash
Behind the Curtain: 11 Things You May Not Realize Trump Did During His Presidency
Love him or hate him, the 45th President did his fair share of things while in the Oval Office. Despite what the media might have you believe, some of his actions were relatively good. On the other hand, some were outlandishly bad. Here are 11 things you may not realize Donald Trump did while as … [Read more...] about Behind the Curtain: 11 Things You May Not Realize Trump Did During His Presidency
Frugal Fails: 12 Times When Saving Money Isn’t Worth the Effort
Saving money is a necessity for all of us to keep our budget balanced. As you try to live frugally, you may soon learn that not all money-saving efforts are worth trying. In an online forum, commenters shared instances where selecting the lower-cost option wasn't always the best. These are 12 of … [Read more...] about Frugal Fails: 12 Times When Saving Money Isn’t Worth the Effort
Fleeing for Better Lives: 10 States People Are Leaving in Large Numbers
People often crave change. Whether that be in something inconsequential, or something larger, we all experience change. Over the last few years Americans have relocated in large number. Whether it be unhappiness with the politics of where they currently reside, climate, oppressive taxes, or … [Read more...] about Fleeing for Better Lives: 10 States People Are Leaving in Large Numbers
Lost in Translation: Avoid These 11 Obvious Habits That Scream You’re American
If you have traveled overseas you know how easy it is to make yourself stand out as an American. You may not even realize it, but you're giving off obvious signs that you're from the United States. Not every local will appreciate seeing it either. In an online forum, commenters shared things that … [Read more...] about Lost in Translation: Avoid These 11 Obvious Habits That Scream You’re American
The Pain of Poor Choices: 12 Foolish Financial Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s
Early adulthood is a fun time. You're likely earning your first real paycheck and you are entering a new phase of life. However, it's easy to derail that when you commit serious missteps. Here are 12 financial mistakes to avoid making in your 20s if you're serious about your money goals. Relying … [Read more...] about The Pain of Poor Choices: 12 Foolish Financial Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s
Weekend Wonders: 10 Cities to Visit for Your Next Quick Getaway
While fun trips lasting a few weeks or more get most of the attention in society, sometimes the weekend getaways are the most fun. Cramming as many activities and experiences into a weekend trip as you can can lead to some seriously unforgettable memories. Where in the U.S. would you travel to if … [Read more...] about Weekend Wonders: 10 Cities to Visit for Your Next Quick Getaway
Escape the Money Crunch: 15 Legit Ways to Get $100 Cash in a Pinch
You know the feeling. It's at least another week until you get your paycheck and you have a bill to pay. We've all been there and it's tempting to put the bill on your credit card. That's the last thing you want to do. Thankfully, there are ways to make fast cash to cover the bill. Here are 15 … [Read more...] about Escape the Money Crunch: 15 Legit Ways to Get $100 Cash in a Pinch
13 Hobbies People Wasted Too Much Money On
Alright, everybody, it's time to 'fess up: What are the most wasteful hobbies you've gotten yourselves into? While nobody begins a pursuit thinking it will be a money pit, countless men and women fall into a cycle of losing money on their newfound labor of love. Recently, people met in an online … [Read more...] about 13 Hobbies People Wasted Too Much Money On