Merely hearing the word “recession” causes most people to react with utter fear. I was a stockbroker during the Great Recession of 2008 and saw how dreadful it was for investors. While that fear is palpable, and we can't predict the future, there will always be economic booms and slumps. The … [Read more...] about How to Prepare for a Recession: 6 Steps to Take Now
How to Save $500 a Month: 10 Ways to Save More Money Now
Saving money is an essential part of financial stability. Reducing your spending helps you work towards achieving your short and long-term goals. However, you might think that you can't lower your monthly bills or amass significant savings. Fortunately, it's possible to do both of these things if … [Read more...] about How to Save $500 a Month: 10 Ways to Save More Money Now
How to Write A Check in 6 Simple Steps
My first job out of college was working at a bank, and I was surprised at how often I was asked how to write a check. Since I got my first checking account when I was 15 and knew exactly how to fill out a check correctly, I had no problem answering that question. In those days, checks were a common … [Read more...] about How to Write A Check in 6 Simple Steps
11 Recommended Budget Percentages By Category: How Much Should You Spend?
One of the best ways to reach your money goals is to follow a monthly budget. While people often believe budgeting is restrictive, it can create freedom when done wisely. The key is using a simple formula. For example, Dave Ramsey provides a roadmap to being successful with your money through his … [Read more...] about 11 Recommended Budget Percentages By Category: How Much Should You Spend?
How Much Should You Save Each Month?
Saving money is an important part of financial stability. However, everyone is different and has unique long-term goals. Regardless of your situation, you may ask yourself, "how much money should I save each month?" The amount of cash you regularly save plays a significant role in helping you … [Read more...] about How Much Should You Save Each Month?
Chime Review: A Fee-Free Banking Option (2024 Update)
Bank fees can be frustrating. Luckily, online banking platforms offer checking and savings accounts that can help you avoid unwanted fees. Online-only institutions also typically offer free ATM access, fee-free overdrafts, and other features that make it easy to manage your money. If you want … [Read more...] about Chime Review: A Fee-Free Banking Option (2024 Update)
7 Best Bill Negotiation Services to Lower Your Bills
It often feels like our monthly bills are steadily increasing. We all want to save money, and bill negotiation services can help reduce your expenses. If you lack the time or hate negotiating, asking for a discount on your bills might not be high on your priority list. Luckily, these services do … [Read more...] about 7 Best Bill Negotiation Services to Lower Your Bills
Savology Review: Free Customized Financial Plans
Getting your finances in order can feel overwhelming, especially when you don’t know where to start. Thankfully, there are many personal finance tools and apps today to make managing your money easier than ever. Take financial planning, for instance. Having a personal financial plan used to be … [Read more...] about Savology Review: Free Customized Financial Plans
47 Proven Ways to Save Money Fast This Year
Saving money can be overwhelming. In fact, numerous reports indicate at least half of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings. For many people, the question of how to save money fast may seem impossible to answer. Thankfully, there are ways to reduce your expenses that require minimal effort. … [Read more...] about 47 Proven Ways to Save Money Fast This Year
Billshark Review: Negotiate Your Bills With Ease
Raise your hand if you like overspending on your bills each month. Worse yet, do you enjoy paying for a subscription that you no longer use? It’s easy to spend more than you should or have services you no longer use but still pay for monthly. Even if you know what services you use, you may lack … [Read more...] about Billshark Review: Negotiate Your Bills With Ease
9 Best Money Saving Apps for 2024
We all know it’s important to save money, but it’s easy to forget. Life gets in the way, or we’re living paycheck-to-paycheck, and saving money goes by the wayside. Thanks to technology, money saving apps simplify the saving process. You may believe it’s impossible to save money. Or, you may feel … [Read more...] about 9 Best Money Saving Apps for 2024
7 Simple Ways to Save More Money This Year
It's hard to believe it's 2023 already. Many want to save more money this year but don't know where to start. Thankfully, it's not as difficult as it might seem. There are many ways you can save money every month to help reach your goals. Finding ways to save this year can help you reach various … [Read more...] about 7 Simple Ways to Save More Money This Year
Need Money for Rent? 9 Ways to Make Money Now
Picture this: rent is due soon, and you don’t know how you’re going to make the payment. The overwhelming stress may lead you to consider a payday loan or other less desirable ways to get money fast. If you need help paying rent, there are several alternatives available that can help. Better yet, … [Read more...] about Need Money for Rent? 9 Ways to Make Money Now
BillCutterz Review: Save Up to $3,000 Per Year on Your Bills
How often do you take action to save money on your monthly bills? If you’re like me, you’d love to save the money on them, but it slips your mind. Or, maybe you don’t like to negotiate. A terrific solution to these issues is a bill negotiation service like BillCutterz. Bill negotiation companies … [Read more...] about BillCutterz Review: Save Up to $3,000 Per Year on Your Bills
How to Save $10,000 in a Year: 9 Ways to Save More This Year
The New Year is here and many of us have the same goal - saving money. Most want to simply start saving, but others want to save a significant amount of money, such as $10,000. You may think it’s impossible to save $10,000 in a year. Such a life-changing number feels impossible to achieve - … [Read more...] about How to Save $10,000 in a Year: 9 Ways to Save More This Year
How to Pay off Debt Fast on a Low Income: 6 Ways to Kill Debt for Good
It's not always easy to know how to pay off debt fast on a low income. At the beginning of my pay off debt journey, I was working a minimum wage job, and the $50,000+ number felt so staggering. I had no idea how to pay off debt quickly on a low income and felt like giving up before I even … [Read more...] about How to Pay off Debt Fast on a Low Income: 6 Ways to Kill Debt for Good
9 Smart Uses for Your Tax Refund
Tax season is upon us. Are you ready for it? Whether you have started on your tax return or not yet, if you are expecting a tax refund, you should probably think about how to best spend it. The average tax refund was almost $2,800 for the 2017 tax year, according to the IRS. That means many … [Read more...] about 9 Smart Uses for Your Tax Refund
Personal Capital Review: Manage Your Finances For Free
This Personal Capital review is a 2024 update as we've been using the platform for six years. My wife and I are busy managing our business and want a way to streamline the management of our finances. Personal Capital provides a great way to do exactly that. If you've not heard of Personal Capital … [Read more...] about Personal Capital Review: Manage Your Finances For Free
5 Ways to Deal With Financial Stress and Improve Your Finances
Between work, kids, bills, and debt, dealing with financial stress is not uncommon. Money is one of the top causes of stress; financial stress and depression are real. These are even bigger sources of stress when your finances change often or you struggle to make ends meet. It's important to keep … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to Deal With Financial Stress and Improve Your Finances
4 Awesome Benefits of Living on Last Month’s Income
Early in our marriage, my husband and I both worked entry-levels jobs. Neither one of us earned a large salary and we struggled to break the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle. I did some research and it wasn't long before I learned about the benefits of living on last month's income. When you live on … [Read more...] about 4 Awesome Benefits of Living on Last Month’s Income
9 Good Money Habits You Can Start Today to Build Real Wealth
Controlling your money is key to living a financially effective life. Learning good money habits is the first step to taking control over your money and living the kind of life you want. There’s one small problem. We often think it’s difficult to learn and practice good financial habits. We think … [Read more...] about 9 Good Money Habits You Can Start Today to Build Real Wealth
How to Start Budgeting Again After You’ve Stopped
Only 1 in 3 Americans actually prepare a detailed household budget, according to a recent Gallup survey. What I wish the results would show, however, is how many people start budgeting and then stop and start again. Budgeting is definitely a process, and if you're new to it, it can sometimes be … [Read more...] about How to Start Budgeting Again After You’ve Stopped
Recurring Expenses You Should Plan For
How far ahead do you plan for expenses? If you're like most people, you probably create a budget or spending plan for the upcoming month at the end of the current month. Or you might not plan at all! There's a problem with that. While it's all well and good to plan for your usual expenses, such … [Read more...] about Recurring Expenses You Should Plan For
How to Save Money When Your Income Is Really Low
When your income is really low, it's extremely difficult to learn how to save money. Even the best savers can be wiped out by one emergency, which can leave you living paycheck to paycheck. The best way to avoid this is through saving, and in order to get there, you must embrace certain … [Read more...] about How to Save Money When Your Income Is Really Low
5 Easy Steps to Not Fail At Budgeting
The following is a contribution from Kalen at Money Mini Blog. Imagine that you decide that it's time to take control of your money, so you start a budget. You figure out which categories you want and set some amounts. Everything's going great and then you forget to track a purchase or two, … [Read more...] about 5 Easy Steps to Not Fail At Budgeting
The 8 Best Apps for Budgeting
Staying on budget is an incredibly vital part of your financial future. If you want to start saving for that dream vacation, or even further down the road in terms of retirement, you need to start making some financial sacrifices sooner rather than later. In order to help you do that, there are a … [Read more...] about The 8 Best Apps for Budgeting
The How-to’s of Budgeting
When I mention the idea of living within a budget, I often get strange looks. I hear things like, “Why would I want to do that?” or “Budgeting requires too much work” or “Budgeting takes too much time.” These common myths are usually believed by people who don’t know how to budget. Ignorance about … [Read more...] about The How-to’s of Budgeting
5 Reasons Why I Love Budgeting
I can still remember the feeling like it was yesterday. I had just finished meeting with a credit counselor who was going to help me climb my way out of the $20,000 credit card debt hole I had created and she used the dreaded word...budget. What was she talking about? What was this thing called … [Read more...] about 5 Reasons Why I Love Budgeting